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Children’s Dentistry in Atlanta, GA

Yes, we see kids at Intown Smile Studio! Not only do we see children, but also we treat them like VIPs. We provide the convenience of your children having their cleaning appointment at the same time you have yours, and our office hours allow you to bring your children to the dentist without checking them out of school. New scientific evidence shows us that if we deliver preventive progressive treatment to kids (starting when they’re infants), we can help ensure they stay cavity-free for life. In addition, we understand how and why keeping your child’s mouth healthy can result in overall health benefits for a lifetime. Cavities are 100% preventable for all kids, even if you had “soft teeth” and are cavity prone. It doesn’t take a lot of work to help ensure your kids stay cavity-free. Honestly, it can be as simple as incorporating special rinses, toothpastes and, sometimes, tasty chewing gum into your child’s daily routine. We know that healthy teeth and gums are essential for total health and wellness, but that’s not only true for adults. In fact, studies are revealing that optimizing your child’s oral health can pave the way to better health for your child in the long run.

Pediatric Services We Offer

We offer an array of preventive and progressive care for children. From our Children’s Learning Lab to early intervention orthodontics and tooth-friendly gum and candies, our services for kids are on the leading-edge of science, technology, health, wellness and integrative children’s dentistry. Our Intown Smile Studio team values our relationships with local specialist pediatric dentists. Often, we recommend a child alternate healthy visits between our office and a pediatric dentist. Sometimes, a child who has severely decayed teeth, anxieties or sensory difficulties needs the specialty care that only a pediatric specialist can deliver. In these cases, Dr. Estep and her team work with parents to pair their child with the ideal specialist match.

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