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Pregnancy Consultation for New Parents in Atlanta, GA

Dr. Estep offers a free consultation for parents who are pregnant, trying to get pregnant or have just had a new baby. At Intown Smile Studio, we wish to have a positive impact on the wellness of their community, and they want to start as early as possible. There is important oral health information that pertains to infertility, pregnancy health and newborn development, and Dr. Estep offers this gift to family-planning parents as a way to achieve her goal of community wellness.

happy young couple

What to Expect

At the pregnancy and family planning consultation, Dr. Estep will review topics including:

  • Specific oral pathogens that can cross the placental barrier and cause a miscarriage or infertility
  • How pregnancy gingivitis can hurt your pregnancy
  • How to recognize pregnancy gingivitis and treatment
  • Recent studies that show how proper development of the newborn airway starts with the musculature involved in nursing
  • How to recognize if your newborn’s tongue won’t allow proper nursing and what to do about it
  • What to look for in bottle nipples
  • Pacifier use
  • How to assess your baby’s sleeping as it pertains to a healthy airway

If you have questions, you can request an appointment and one of our team members will call you to answer any questions you have.

Schedule a Pregnancy Consultation Now

If you’re expecting or have recently become a new parent, schedule a complimentary Pregnancy Consultation with Dr. Estep through our interactive calendar.

Request an Appointment

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