PERIODONTAL DISEASE: A Silent Threat to Your Health
Periodontal disease, commonly known as gum disease, is a chronic inflammatory condition caused by a bacterial infection. Without treatment, periodontal disease progresses from gingivitis (gum inflammation) to periodontitis, where pockets form between the teeth and gums and allow the bacterial infection to spread. Over time, untreated periodontitis can result in tooth mobility, loss of teeth, and irreversible damage to the jawbone.
Beyond oral health, the periodontal pathogens (bacteria) involved are linked to systemic conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, certain cancers, respiratory infections, adverse pregnancy outcomes and more. These bacteria enter the bloodstream and cause damage to your health.
The traditional treatment for periodontal disease is to scrape away the plaque and tartar buildup caused by buildup of the bacteria. This treatment is commonly called scaling and root planning or deep cleaning.
Reducing the tartar deposits allows for some healing, however without addressing the bacterial pathogens, the source of the infection is not removed. With the pathogens still present, they once again begin to spread and start the process all over again. This is why once you’ve had one deep cleaning, you’re likely to need more deep cleanings in the future.
Alternatively, what if you could find exactly which bacteria are present and target them specifically with treatment and therapy to kill them off so that they won’t continue the disease process? Today, we have the technology to do saliva testing. With a saliva sample, we can find exactly which pathogens are causing your gum disease.
The five main bacteria pathogens are anaerobic, so they are killed when exposed to oxygen. As an alternative to deep cleaning, Perio Protect Trays (an FDA-approved medical device) uses this strategy in the form of trays custom fitted to your gums. These highly specialized trays deliver oxygen deep into the periodontal pockets thereby killing the periodontal pathogens.
With traditional periodontal maintenance, you are seen once every three months by a hygienist to try to manage the bacteria. With Perio Protect our patients use these trays 1-3 times per day. In doing so, they kill the infection and keep the infection away every day. With the root cause infection removed, the body can heal itself. Take control of your gum health every day at home and say goodbye to a lifetime of deep cleanings.