Dr. Susan Estep
Meet Dr. Susan Estep
“I continue to learn with passion and an open mind as I create both beautiful smiles and wellness in my community.”
Dr. Susan Estep presents a distinguished list of scholastic achievements in her field, beginning with the very prestigious honor of Fellow to the Academy of Comprehensive Esthetics (ACE) The Academy has an extensive, rigorous process to evaluate dentists who are committed to advanced learning, attention to detail and clinical excellence. To earn the accreditation of Fellow, Dr. Estep had to pass an extremely thorough exam and present her own cases in cosmetic dentistry and general dentistry to a panel of strict examiners.

More About Dr. Estep
In 2011, Dr. Susan Estep achieved the award of Fellow in the Academy of General Dentistry (FAGD). To earn a Fellowship award, a dentist must complete at least 500 continuing dental education hours, pass a rigorous and comprehensive exam, and maintain AGD membership for three continuous years.
In 2010, Dr. Estep helped found the American Academy for Oral Systemic Health (AAOSH), a group of healthcare providers dedicated to expanding awareness of the relationship between oral health and whole-body health. AAOSH members come from all healthcare disciplines and include the nation’s healthcare leaders. Dr. Susan Estep sits on the Executive Board for AAOSH and chaired its inaugural scientific session in 2010. Since 2010, Dr. Estep has remained an active board member, passionate about educating dentists and teams in oral-systemic health.
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