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Become a New Dental Patient in Atlanta, GA

Don’t be afraid of the dentist anymore. We welcome all new dental patients. Intown Smile Studio serves Atlanta, GA, and the surrounding communities, like Midtown Atlanta, with comprehensive and personalized dental care. Whether you’ve been to a dentist recently and are looking for a new practice or haven’t had a check-up in years, we cater to you. Our trained professionals are here to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Visits to the dentist cause stress and anxiety for some, so we work hard to create a welcoming and judgment-free environment for all our patients.

Frequently Asked Questions for New Patients

Are you worried about going to the dentist? Let us help you. From general procedures to cosmetic therapies, we have you covered. Our general dentistry services include routine bi-annual cleanings and gum therapy, and our emergency dental procedures help during those unexpected dental issues that require immediate attention. We also proudly offer various cosmetic dentistry services, including veneers, implants, Invisalign, and more. Below are some frequently asked questions by new patients:

We don’t treat you as just a patient. We want to get to know the real you, understand your past, and discuss your current goals. Depending on your needs, we will assess the best steps and educate you so you can make informed decisions.

You can schedule your first appointment online quickly on our website or by calling our office during operating hours.

We provide treatment for all ages, including your young ones. We pride ourselves on educating and establishing good oral health habits early. You can even schedule an appointment without taking them out of school.

Don’t worry about being in-network. We accept most dental plans out-of-network, so you have flexibility in your dental care.

Don’t let a lack of insurance stop you from getting the care you deserve. We will work with you to provide financing options and affordability for all your dental needs.

Experience Exceptional Dental Care

Our staff is passionate about making a difference in your life. With our convenient service and extended hours, you can get high-quality dental care without interrupting your daily routine. In addition, our wide assortment of services ensures all your dental needs are under one roof. We look forward to having you as a patient and getting to know you. Schedule your first appointment with us, and let us be a partner in your journey to achieving your ideal smile.

Request an Appointment

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